This is the most important step in the process to help put an end to Email
Abuse. Contact the service provider directly in hope of getting the offender's service terminated and/or do the following:
To report fraud contact the Federal
Trade Commission or the National
Consumer Complaint Center.
To report the abuse in you particular state contact your Attorney
General. Be sure to check our legislation section for information concerning anti-abuse laws in your state.
Keep in mind that we are only here to help and offer information for your use, not do the work for you. Due to the number of reports we receive daily, it would
be impossible for us to handle each individual case. Please consult the following guidelines before reporting abuse instances to us.
- If you know the ISP of the abuser please do not forward the report to us. You need to contact the ISP directly, as we do not have the authority to do so for you.
- If you do not the ISP of the abuser and have not yet viewed all headers and traced the originating IP address, please do not forward the mail to us.
We offer complete step by step instructions for tracing the IP address on our site. Please try to follow those first.
- If you are receiving spam (pornographic or otherwise) from or to an AOL account, please do not send it to us. The problem of spam and AOL accounts is a larger one than we can handle individually.
You would benefit more by forwarding all of the spam to AOL themselves and YOUR CONGRESSMAN! It is a huge issue that will only be resolved by government involvement and/or effort on the part of AOL.
You, the users have the power to end this problem by speaking out.
- If a person is harassing you and you feel you are at risk of physical harm, please contact your local police. We cannot help you and will always direct to the authorities in this instance.
Please do not leave yourself at risk, contact the people who can protect you and have the legal means to catch the abuser.